Enrollment level: Basic

As a prerequisite to be enrolled in the JSEP, a trainee has to possess a minimum set of Knowledge, Skills, Responsibility & Autonomy abilities to be able to address the informatics challenges of the “-omics” era.

Subject area Descriptors: Knowledge, Skills, Responsibility & Autonomy
Biology The trainee should be able to:
  • Understand fundamental topics in biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, molecular biology, system biology, evolutional theory, (regulatory)genomics, next generation sequencing, proteomics/mass spectrometry.

The trainee should be able to:

  • Write simple program logic that requires basic coding skills: manipulating text, working with files, implement simple conditions;
  • Use basic programming techniques - working with lists, associative arrays, and regular expressions. Writing of functions, programming of basic algorithms;
  • Use a debugger and a version control system;
  • Use scientific and statistical analysis software packages and open source software repositories;

The trainee should be able to:

  • Have basic knowledge in probability and combinatorics;
  • Utilize and asses the results of basic statistics tests in the context of molecular biology and genomics;
  • Understand the basics of graph theory;

The trainee should be able to:

  • Apply time and project management techniques;
  • Show independence, self-motivation, curiosity and dedication;
  • Synthesize information and compare results;
  • Communicate scientific concepts and data;
  • Express analytical reasoning and scientific creativity;
  • Perform collaborative tasks and networking..



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