Enrollment level: Advanced

In order to be enrolled in the JSEP – advanced level, a trainee has to possess a minimum set of Knowledge, Skills, Responsibility & Autonomy abilities in bioinformatics to be able to address the variety of bioinformatics’ application within Biotech sectors: Health, Food production & technology, Agriculture, and Bioremediation.

Descriptor Knowledge, Skills, Responsibility & Autonomy Abilities
Biological databases and data sources

The trainee should be able to:

  • Analyze sequence alignment data;
  • Apply computational approaches to biological questions;
  • Do modelling of DNA and protein structure, and biochemical systems;
  • Use public data formats;
  • Perform sequence alignment and sequence searching;
  • Make gene and protein structure prediction;
  • Accomplish phylogenetic, whole genome, and proteomics’ analyses;
  • Explore public biological databases.
Bioinformatics tools to study protein & DNA sequences

The trainee should be able to:

  • Understand and operate with genefinders;
  • Use DNA features detection tool;
  • Perform pairwise sequence comparison;
  • Distinguish between global and local alignment techniques;
  • Do local alignment-based searching;
  • Apply multifunctional tools for sequence analysis.
Omics and system biology

The trainee should be able to:

  • Know and understand genomics and proteomics tools;
  • Perform analysis of raw sequence data;
  • Apply sequencing an entire genome approach;
  • Access genome information on the web;
  • Comprehend the basics of functional genomics;
  • Use different experimental approaches and tools in proteomics;
  • Analyze biochemical pathway databases.

The trainee should be able to:

  • Apply time and project management techniques;
  • Show independence, self-motivation, curiosity and dedication;
  • Synthesize information and compare results;
  • Communicate scientific concepts and data;
  • Express analytical reasoning and scientific creativity;
  • Perform collaborative tasks and networking.



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