The Joint Study Educational Programme (JSEP) offers multilingual VET content in the field of bioinformatics. Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary subject between biological information and IT. It is a rapidly evolving and developing field both in terms of useful applications and in terms of accomplished mission providing training and knowledge.

The JSEP suggests a variety of subject-specific training materials to the target groups from Biotech sector to meet their diversified needs of training:

  • To fulfill better the present or future requirements of job;
  • To advance the professional goals;
  • To upgrade current skills or to learn new ones;
  • To explore new professional prospects;
  • To satisfy regulatory requirements.

The JSEP promotes competence-based training approaches using EQF/NQF and ECVET requirements for VET. It contributes to achievement of transparency of learning outcomes in biotech area and facilitates the mobility of work-power throughout Europe.

The JSEP is organized in training modules that cover general and particular aspects of bioinformatics. The General Module content is offered to both those, who need basic knowledge, and those who want to focus on more advanced information. The specific modules are focused on bioinformatics’ application in Health, Food production & technology, Agriculture, and Bioremediation.

Blended learning in Bioinformatics - the SMEs instrument for Biotech innovations

General Module: Introduction to Bioinformatics

Part I: Biology, biological databases, and high-throughput data sources

Part II: Alignments and phylogenetic trees

Part III: Omics and system biology


Specific Module 1: Health Bioinformatics

Specific Module 2: Bioinformatics in food production and engineering

Specific Module 3: The role of bioinformatics in agriculture

Specific Module 4: Application of system biology in bioremediation



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