BIOTECH-GO е-Training modes
The BIOTECH-GO Training Modes head for directions, such as:
- Target groups: The BIOTECH-GO competence model is targeted at teachers, trainers, learning facilitators, guidance professionals, school/institution managers and political decision makers are the selected subjects to fit these requirements.
What are the benefits from BIOTECH-GO measures?
Target groups benefit from:
- Intensive support for their motivation for learning.
- Implementation of national good practices for qualification assessment.
- ECVET based system for sectoral qualifications description and multilingual e-portal.
- BIOTECH-GO training programme based on online and offline learning methods.
- Set of Learning Outcomes with training units.
- Learning Pathways
- ECVET evaluation plan awarding credit points.
- Acquiring new approaches in vocational educational methods and a variety of practices, which they need for their lessons;
- Increase in knowledge about educational materials, which are being used in different European countries;
- Exchanging best practices with other tutors/trainers of theory and practice in BIOTECH-GO education domain;
- Delivery of mechanism for transfer and recognition of qualifications acquired within formal and informal settings;
- Establishment of a model in mobility processes, thus promoting the process of transfer and work force mobility;
Target sectors benefit from:
- Sectoral network and organization of seven workshops.
- Dissemination & Use of BIOTECH-GO products and organization of 6 testing events at sectoral level.
- Embedding of project results in related sectors.
- Multilingual dissemination materials: booklets, leaflets; posters; website information, and others.
Regional development benefits from:
- Standardized user-centered VET learning paths.
- Competencies descriptions in the field of BIOTECH-GO to be introduced into the educational and industrial sectors in Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey.
- Globally accessible BIOTECH-GO e-portal.
- Tests and certificates offered to trainees from Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey.
- BIOTECH-GO national workshops for presentation of project outcomes.
- International workshops with participation of broader audience.
- Cluster activity with similar initiative for further application of the PureH2O model.
- Introduction of numerous EU initiatives, such as ERASMUS +; South-East Europe, Interreg Framework Programme, Horizon 2020 and others.