BIOTECH-GO Goals and innovation

The BIOTECH-GO aims to build:

  • A system for structural description of work-related competences.
  • New training opportunities for trainers and personalized learning paths using individual preferences and job requirements.
  • A new learner-centered approach.
  • Improved training in bioinformatics for VET professionals.
  • A new, proactive role of trainers and tutors.
  • Introduction of an innovative competence model for VET professionals, based on European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).

The project Innovations

The innovations, on which BIOTECH-GO is based, are: mastering the exploitation of e-learning platform, making e-courses, misusing web assets to share good practices, exchange of information and abilities, enhance of competencies. Using an innovative education in bioinformatics, project BIOTHECH-GO will provide a basis for performance of different structural modes of b-learning pathways and innovative qualifications design using ECVET and EQF/NQFs. The innovative initiative of BIOTECH-GO project is formation of an international strategic partnership in order to strengthening long-term creation of attractive jobs in Biotech sector. Application of training in bioinformatics intends to innovate the sphere biotechnology and related branches and in this way to upgrade the economic, social and environmental aspects and societal advancement. It will give opportunity for a better access of the project approach of interested institutions to achieve ECVET implementation in Europe. For realization of all these ideas, the following project specific measures are foreseen:

  • Following the best practices and instruments of job-embedded training in biotech sector (implementing typical country social practices, personal / professional experience, etc.); performance of workshops/seminars
  • Selection of criteria to choose best sectoral training examples in the EU (consultable on a project website)
  • Testing qualitative instruments to integrate job-embedded learning in the curriculum (personal interviews, personal study plans and competency dossiers)
  • Network meetings within project partners for identification, analysis and implementation of the best practices of “training on the job” and real life learning situations
  • Local events performance within the partnership between workplace & educational institutions, involving interested stakeholders and (silent) partners
  • Internal / external evaluation and self-evaluation of the learning progress in the partnership

The innovative mission of BIOTECH-GO dues to transferable qualification levels based on EQF/NQFs arranged in the way to answer the need to be implemented in formal / non formal VET. This will create a value for innovation of competencies in bioinformatics and will improve business opportunities in the sector.

The innovative and smart approach for the exploitation of the results will contribute to post-project validation / accreditation of the new VET training program, as well as for its future prospect for commercialization. The trainees will have the capacity to receive new skills in bioinformatics innovations and application in the area of biotechnology. Skilling the existed workforce in the different biotech branches will build their work quality for taking career choice.



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